Blockchain platform in the gold mining market
gold standard
The innovation of the Gold Digital project and AUR tokens is the fact that this cryptocurrency is backed by gold. An ordinary person can become a participant in the gold mining process by purchasing these tokens. The future of the gold market and the gold mining industry depends on the decentralized solution provided by the components of the Gold Digital project.
Basic concepts
The next document is a diagram of the project of scale and motives. The document includes basic concepts, the final result will be shown below. The document is the work of the data analysis team, the issuance of AUR tokens and the launch of the Gold Digital platform. The following assumptions, statements, values, market assumptions, conditions and many other outside factors may affect the results and claims made in this document. Written in good faith with the best resources available. We share it with you.
The project will create a payment solutions platform. The platform is the first to serve existing and new gold mining companies around the world. The project will be the first decentralized and completely transparent system based on blockchain technology, initially working on Ethereum, in the future, its own blockchain will be created - Gold Digital. This will be achieved through the circulation of AUR tokens and the development of a decentralized Gold Digital platform that bridges the gap between blockchain technology and innovation in the emerging gold mining industry. The team is ready for success, as it has been working for a long time on the development and deployment of projects in the financial and cryptocurrency sectors. The project comes from ideologists, with the support of which, the development team positions its success in the market, creating a development platform for gold mining companies. There are two main goals for the success of a project. First, increased security and protection. Second, greater transparency between users and businesses. With this system in place, transparency in the gold industry will increase confidence in many aspects of the business model, such as authenticity, moral directives, and consistency with current laws and guidelines. The main idea of the project is to create a global, decentralized system based on the embedded value of the AUR cryptocurrency and the Gold Digital blockchain. Most financial projects are terminated due to human factors such as greed or external factors such as government legislation. With these internal and external factors, it is vital to use a blockchain solution that provides payment solutions and does so in an open and transparent manner. All decisions are based on truth and honesty towards the participants in this program.
1. Gold mining
Gold is mined at alluvial and ore deposits.
Placer gold deposits.
Placer deposits 25 years ago mined up to 80% of the gold volume. At the moment, the situation has changed in favor of ore deposits, which now account for up to 70% of the total gold production in the world. This is due to the fact that gold reserves in placer deposits are becoming smaller and mining of ore gold is more economically efficient. However, it should be noted that the development of an ore gold mining enterprise is associated with high capital costs at the initial stage. In connection with this fact, new enterprises need to start with the extraction of alluvial gold. The gold placer mines are the launching pad for the mining of ore gold. Typically, gold placers are formed from ore deposits. Dredges (large objects) and industrial instruments are used in placers for gold mining, together with quarry equipment. Placer deposits are developed by small enterprises. The volume of gold production at large alluvial deposits does not exceed 3 tons of gold per season. When developing an alluvial deposit, the current costs and the cost of gold are higher in comparison with the development of an ore deposit. The main advantage of the development of alluvial gold deposits is low capital costs. This fact makes them a priority for small businesses that mine gold. All large gold mining enterprises initially began with the extraction of gold placers. Polyus LLC initially starts mining alluvial gold, forms capital and starts developing a deposit of ore gold.
Gold ore deposits
Ore deposits are the main prospect for gold mining. The start of gold mining at a new ore gold deposit is always associated with many procedures and stages, requiring large capital expenditures and financial resources. At the same time, after the launch of an ore deposit in operation and recoupment of capital costs, the cost of gold at the exit is several times lower in comparison with alluvial deposits. This is due to the low operating costs of mining, processing and extracting gold from ore deposits.
The beginning of the exploitation of a gold ore deposit includes the passage of many stages, the main ones of which are:
- Obtaining a license for subsoil use in government agencies.
- Registration of land and mining allotments in government agencies.
- Purchase of machinery, equipment, tools and materials.
- Construction of a working camp, a sample preparation workshop and an assay laboratory.
- Hiring specialists - miners, geologists, surveyors, electromechanics and workers.
- Development of projects for geological exploration at the prospecting, appraisal and exploration stage of work and their approval by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Rosgeolekspertiza". Geological exploration includes trenching and trenching on the surface, drilling exploration wells, driving underground mine workings, taking furrow and core samples, conducting sample preparation and assay (chemical) analysis of samples, compiling primary exploration documentation, developing a feasibility study for temporary exploration conditions of the field, a report with the calculation of the reserves of the ore gold deposit, the defense of this report before the state commission and the statement of the reserves on the state balance sheet in the State Reserves Committee.
- Development of a project for pilot industrial development, its approval in government agencies.
- Obtaining a license and permits for blasting operations, approval of the construction of a VM warehouse.
- Obtaining a license to conduct mine surveying work.
- Development of a project for a gold recovery plant (ZIF), its approval in government agencies.
- Development of action plans for underground work and their approval by FSUE VGSP.
- Development of annual plans for the development of mining operations, their approval in Rostekhnadzor.
- Preparation of industrial sites for a quarry, an underground mine, ore warehouses and a gold processing plant.
- Development of a project for the industrial development of an ore deposit, its approval in state bodies.
- Purchase of quarry equipment (bulldozers, excavators, dump trucks, loaders), underground mining equipment and equipment (loaders, dump trucks, fans, substations, etc.), equipment and buildings of the gold processing plant.
- Construction and installation of power transmission lines.
- Filling of foundations, installation of the building and equipment of the gold processing plant, adjustment and commissioning of the gold processing plant.
The commissioning of a gold ore deposit is the final stage in the construction of a gold mining enterprise. In our case, the passage of all stages is 3 years. The construction of a quarry, an underground mine and a gold recovery plant requires large capital expenditures of financial resources and time. Many promising gold deposits are awaiting funding. Due to the limited number of investors and banking structures, it takes decades to fully finance work on gold deposits. The procedure for conducting an IPO, issuing shares, listing on stock exchanges to attract financial resources at the initial stage of development of a gold mining enterprise are very relevant. The IPO will be considered at the next stage of the company's development, after the ITO. The existing concept of financing gold mining is very outdated; other sources of financing are required to quickly bring gold reserves into operation. Attracting financial resources for the construction of a new gold mining enterprise from individuals and legal entities through the sale and purchase of AUR tokens is a new future, both for gold miners and investors, and for ordinary people and enterprises that previously could not participate in this process.
2. Gold Digital and team vision
Gold Digital
Ideologically, the project is aimed at transforming the market. Initially, the ERC20 token will be used, which uses the Ethereum blockchain platform. With a strong development and leadership team, our project has ambitious goals - gold mining, approval as a payment solution that has a transparency platform for everyone. The team is using the new ITO funding mechanism to achieve the goal of issuing AUZ tokens and raising capital to finance gold mining. Gold Digital is the flagship of the first decentralized and completely transparent platform based originally on the Ethereum blockchain. This is completely legal. Firstly, cryptocurrency does not have a legal personality, and secondly, there is no such law that would prohibit this. The project will provide people with confidence through its transparent nature. The style of direct selling network that is often used becomes dependent on the trust system. With this addiction, a transparent platform will be the key to success.
Team vision
The goal of the team is to enhance the marketing experience in the gold mining market, where there are currently many issues related to funding and transparency. Our team will provide the perfect solution to these issues with a new system that completely eliminates the problems in the gold mining market.
3. Setting tasks and solving problems
Setting goals
The current problem with the market lies in payment processing. Governments around the world completely regulate this market. With these rules, many traditional financial solutions are simply not available. Companies often face funding challenges through government restrictions, thereby stalling their ability to market their business. This is unfair and negatively affects the industry as a whole. Let's dive deeper into each of these points for the moment of truth, starting with regulatory issues. Currently, there are many regulatory issues related to the management or ownership of a gold mining company. Many countries explicitly impose bans that force companies to find other ways to operate. Sometimes companies are unable to operate at all in the market due to these regulatory restrictions. By using new ways to enter the market, this leads to a lot of overhead costs, reduced productivity and profit for the company. We can eliminate these regulatory loads and improve productivity. The need for trust applies to both users and businesses.
Problem solving
The payment solution depends on the network in which businesses and users can have confidence in their products and services. The nature of this network alone will provide better security and transparency for the market. Security of funds will strengthen the market and enable companies, business people and entrepreneurs to have a profitable market. The project will be the solution to these problems. The benefits of the blockchain network include security from outside influence from governments and regulators. The network provides trust between users, which can lead to greater transparency for both payment providers and participants within the system. Businesses can deploy the product to a huge number of users through the network, which in turn will allow those users to ensure they are paid correctly because the system will be based on records found on the blockchain.
4. Benefits of a decentralized platform
Blockchain history
Decentralized digital cash, as a concept, is an alternative to the old system of assets and cash, such as registries, that have been around for decades. Events before the development of bitcoin brought us closer to spawning the new system we know today. Since currency is subject to double the cost without proper protocols, where the actual order of the user's transactions is critical, these digital assets require a proper solution for a decentralized network. The main obstacle many digital currency protocols faced before the development of bitcoin was related to the security of the network.
The importance of blockchain
How can we make advance payments on a shared network without intermediaries, while avoiding many of the problems that a currency or asset system can have, one of which can be a double spend. Until 2009, the world was not ready to answer the question about exchange resources in a distributed network operating on the Internet without the inclusion of external intermediaries. Bitcoin mining is the main P2P exchange convention launched after the 2008 global financial crisis. The following document is presented as a solution for the gold mining network, how bitcoin was the solution for financial systems around the world. As the world becomes more integrated every day, an increasing number of organizations are offering online administration services through their personal direct selling networks. Funding, training, insurance and supply chain management are rapidly moving towards digitalization. Gold Digital will provide a first-class solution and experience for the gold mining industry in the gold turnover market.
Decentralized currency
There are many different inventive cryptocurrency systems on the market today, most of which are based on platforms such as cell phones, the Internet, computer graphics processor cards. Old and past payment systems depend on funds. As the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin stands out among the most educated computerized systems. Bitcoin can be described as the cryptographic money of a digital cash register system, which is a subset of the industry known as cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is an amazing technological innovation, a groundbreaking digital currency that is widely thought to be successful. Bitcoin is powered by the power of computers and the power of the Internet to process its transactions.
5. Open network
Network failure
The motivation for a decentralized cash network like Bitcoin has become mainstream among people as a direct reason for its inherent security. This money system allows individuals to make transactions confidentially and securely on the blockchain, a feature that began in early 2010. Decentralized currency allows for fundamental changes over what has been proposed previously, with many intermediary companies involved in exchanging assets or even cash. This is truly original: use a financial balance or a personal Bitcoin wallet, where your personal assets are safe with your private key. In addition, interest can be represented through the record number that exists on the blockchain. However, in relation to the payment system, most of your transactions are unknown and cannot be traced, however the public nature of the blockchain allows for transparency. This model is essential for a successful business for users and businesses that implement the direct selling model. This transparency is key in the space as it allows users to work safely and securely to collect payments from people and businesses working with this model. Businesses benefit from increased transparency as they create a system that rewards trust and best practices.
Impact and regulatory restrictions
In decentralized cash networks there are no control measures and regulators that directly affect the value, it is determined by customers and network users. The system has no regulatory constraints, at least for the time being. This means that no local, national entity is responsible for the monetary policy of supplying the asset. This is of great importance for the term "decentralized". This digital cash is capable of functioning at unprecedented levels in society. Gold has never been decentralized. All forms of gold turnover that are allowed are regulated by some state body, international agency, non-governmental organization. Digital gold and other decentralized digital money cannot be controlled by those in power around the world.
Safe transactions
Users of the digital money system will use a special encryption method to verify the exchange of a monetary asset, independent of the national bank or external agency. The system synchronizes decentralized monetary standards across the users' network. These cryptographic forms of digital money are decentralized and offer an extremely secure state of the network. The network algorithm delivers a higher level than ever before.
6. Investingе
There are many reasons why decentralized cryptocurrency standards are viewed as superior systems compared to the old, typical monetary standards. The decentralized monetary standard provides a high level of security, since the system is controlled from multiple personal computers that are linked to the purpose of managing the system, which brings individual incentives. The Gold Standard gives users the flexibility to exchange views without regulatory restrictions or any direct intervention. The simple fact is that the costs of this system are minimal. Technological advances in cryptocurrency now allow users to benefit without being constrained by state or national regulations when making transactions. This eases the burden on businesses and consumers in terms of transaction costs and overheads.
Asset settlement is defined as a specific measure of currency that is sent from one person to another as payment for goods or services. Monetary policymakers strive to reduce and reduce the costs associated with this process, while increasing the speed of transactions through technological innovation. This challenge has proven to be extremely important in addressing the worldwide problem of asset settlement and transfer of payments. Many businesses, governments and nongovernmental organizations need to carry out a large number of transactions between different countries, these payments burden with large costs. Cryptocurrency has quickly become a solution to this problem thanks to innovative uses of blockchain technology.
A common advantage of a decentralized and fragmented structure is the fact that the system is more secure than other exchange methods. Blockchain models are decentralized and based on open source distributed frameworks.
Fund "Gold digital "
The best cash-based companies and models are available on the market today. There are several issues that pose challenges for payment gateway customers in this industry. Here we present a list of current challenges facing companies and industry in general.
● International payments
● High duties
● Participation of third parties in the payment structure
● Slow transaction speed
● High security is possible through operators who are prone to corruption and mistakes
● Many payment solutions can hold your funds when you need them
● High accounting costs lead to high transaction costs
There are various alternatives regarding the processing of online payment transactions, the existing system is outdated and it is a key component for the Digital Gold system. The most notable shortcomings of the old system are low security of transactions and customer data, long transaction processing times, and complex adaptation of monetary policy for each individual country. This translates into high fees for customers. Digital gold gives users and businesses an absolute edge in removing these barriers.
7. Working principle
Digital gold aims to create a settlement framework by solving the financial processing problems faced by the gold mining industry. Using the latest technological developments, our model significantly outperforms the systems of most operating enterprises that operate on the market today. The model proposes measures to fully improve payment. Without cryptocurrency-based solutions, the market will continue to function at a low efficiency level due to regulatory burdens as well as inherent human factors. With a blockchain based pivotal milestone to enable secure and fast payments, the Gold digital model develops the best solution on the market. Through the use of a smart contract, the programmed payment system confirms the payment on both sides of the transaction. This guarantees ideal concepts of self-government, security, network trust and transaction speed. There are no controls in the system without network confirmation. There is no danger of double spending and security breaches with members' private keys and wallets. Contracts are designed for these actions through a digital protocol, users do not need to worry about funds, since the Gold digital system is transparent and efficient. The economy of the Digital Gold project will take over the general economy, where individuals can send a payment to someone else quickly and directly, without the intervention or the need for any external administrations or deposits from banks, governments or any organizations. This will allow for the current expansion of the limited gold market to take advantage of the new payment solution and open the door to more transparency in the market. Transparency will increase the level of trust between users who have not previously been in this market.
We represent an organization created to provide a decentralized technology solution for processing payments, supporting businesses and users through blockchain transparency. The open, decentralized platform will include an API and wallet that will transform the gold mining industry around the world. The innovation of smart contracts will be valid through the bonus system. All of these features are becoming powerful replacements for current market solutions.
Gold Digital - access to the solution to the critical problems facing the gold market. This project is 100% dedicated to the community where people using ERC20 token standards can have safer work practices. For effective payments across the borders of states at the right time, it is necessary to send funds using a token system. Gold Digital has the principle of a digital cash system that uses digital resources at low cost. The assets acquired by the network will be used to strengthen the network itself, while maintaining the ultimate goal of creating a reliable platform for the circulation of gold and gold mining.
8. Distribution and delivery
There are two main ways that people can be included in a digital asset. There will be those who work for distribution and those who directly invest in it. In both cases, the system will determine the amount of the reward and how it is used. Using an ERC20 token and a payment system dedicated to partners in the payments industry, this platform will create unique value. At an early stage, we launch Digital Gold tokens in an open ITO. Through an open ITO, the team will use the promotion for purposes such as setting up an office, technological frameworks, developing and improving existing systems using various programs. At the second stage, Gold digital tokens will be distributed in a transparent way for all customers, users and those who buy, offer, exchange or hold these tokens. Exchanges will then be added to buy and sell Digital Gold tokens through the open market. The team will periodically post information in up-to-date press releases, messages and community notices.
Internet wallets have access to crypto money and digital assets to store customer funds. These applications are constantly being improved, their wallet can be accessed through the Ethereum Network.
Features of the ERC20 marker
• Designed for distributed payments
• Sends and receives digital currency almost instantly
• Convenient mobile wallet interface
The ERC20 program, based on the Gold digital project, is efficient and backed by technology-assisted security calculations. Users can make transactions with tokens to another person or suppliers on the Digital Gold network.
Instant access
Log into your Ethereum wallet to access Gold Digital tokens. Two-factor authentication protects your data and provides protection from hackers, which significantly reduces the likelihood of theft of tokens from your wallet. The Ethereum network is indestructible, creates digital gold, provides a stable connection for users and businesses, the network will always work. The transaction speed is fast and is delivered almost instantly. The Ethereum network and foundation continue to work to make these transactions faster and safer, which will benefit our project in the long term.
9. Conclusion
The Gold Digital system and AUR tokens are an innovation in the financing of gold mining facilities that can improve the gold and gold mining market by focusing on distributed mass payments and transparency. Gold Digital and AUR tokens - movement into the world of cryptocurrencies, improve conditions for customers, provide low costs and create benefits for platform users. Gold Digital and AUR tokens offer not only a decentralized payment solution using blockchain, but also a new economy that produces and stores gold, provides control and security.